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(M) similar to, as.Ījal ajam ajan ajang ajar ajat aje ajeg ajektif ajeng ajengan aji (Coll.) see SAJA.ġ surprised, astronished. 3) skilled, highly competent, professional. 1 ah ! alas ! 2 yachh !(exclamation og disgust). secretary or clerk who draws up the agenda. in order that, in order to.Īfasi afdal afdeling afdlal afdruk affiliasi afiat afiks afiksasi afiliasi afinitas afirmasi afiun afkir aflos afrikat afrit afwah agah agak agaknya agam agama agamawan agamawi agamis agan agarĪgar-agar agas agen agenda agendaris agendir agih agitasi agogo agraria agregat agresi agresif agresor agressif agri-bisnis agri-industri agronomi aguk agul agung agustus ah ah-ih-eh aha ahad ahadiat ahala ahdiat ahir ahlak ahli ahlubait ahlukubur ahlulsuluk ahmak ai ai-lap-yu aib aidil-fitri aih ainulyakin air ais aisyiah ajaġ k.o. 2 1) waste portions of butchered animals. Advent/ Seventh Day Adventist religious sect or adherent thereof.Īdverbia adverbial advertensi advis advokat adzan aerodinamika aeronotika af afalĪdverb. 6 stir up, confuse, annoy.ġ dress, finery. 5 interfere in, meddle in (the affairs of others). 2 oh my ! (expression of disappointed surprise). 2 1) complain about, 2) sue, bring legal action. (Angkatan Darat Republik Indonesia) the Indonesian Army (revolutionary era). 2 form of address to wife or female lover (more affectionate than adik). 1 respectful form of address and reference to younger sibling or to a younger person of either sex, esp. adikodrati/ (Rel.) the supernatural, the supreme power of God. 3 form of address from husband to wife, boyfriend to girlfriend. 2 form of address to younger brother or sister and younger people in extended family. 1 younger brother or sister or younger cousin. (Java) rely too much on o.'s own abilities. administrasi administratif administratir administratur administrir admiral adolensi adon adonan adpertensi adpis adpisir adpokat adreng adres adri adu aduh aduhai traditional.Īdab adakalanya adalat adam adan adang adanya adap adaptasi adapun adas adat adatiĪdecharge adegan adem adempause adhesi adhyaksa adi adib adicita adidaya adiguna adikĪdipati adiratna-pekaca adiwarna adm. statutes.Īcting, temporarily in a position. 4 see ACIK.Īci-aci acik acir aco acrit acu acuh acum acung adĮxample. pickles, salad made with raw vegetables mixed with spices and a souring agent. abu-gosok scouring sand.Ībuk abur abus abyad ac acak acak-acak acak-acakan acan acang-acang acap acapkali acar acara ace aceuk aciįine powder. abu-blarak (Java) cleansing powder (of coconut frond). Indonesian Armed Forces.Ībrikos abrit-abritan abruk abs absah absen absensi abses absis absolusi absolut absolutisme absorpsi absten abstrak abstraksi absur absurditas abuĪpricot.

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shredded meat that has been boiled and fried. (Anggaran Belanja Negara) national budget. (in families of Arabic descent) grandfather. 2 behavior.Ībib abid abidin abil abis abiturien abjad abjadiah ablak ablatif ablur abn abnormal abnormalitas abnus abolisi abon abone abonemen aborsi abrak abrek abri who does not adhere strictly to the precepts of o.'s nominal religion.Ībar abat abau abbas abc abd abdas abdei abdi abdidalemisme abdikasi abdis abdu abece abelur aben aberasi aberikos abet (Jakarta and some other regions) 1 elder brother. 2 (Angkatan Bersenjata) armed forces.Ība abab abad abadi abah abah-abah abai abang abanganġ (aba-aba) order, command. 2 what ! (exclamation of surprise) 1 (Anggaran Belanja) budget.

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Kombi irip glove